Arrow Keys - Move around.
Ctrl - Attack.
Home - Rotates your character.
Shift - Run.
Insert - Cast your memorized spell.
F5 - Opens guild manager menu. (Must be guild leader.)
/help - Shows you what commands you can use.
/info - Displays information on the player/character you've targeted.
/who - Shows who's online.
/fps - Shows your ping.
/party - This will allow you to party/team with other players and fight against npcs together, exp will be shared out equally.
/refresh - Refreshes your map, if you get stuck.
/trade - Trades with the player you've chosen, a screen will pop up. You must also be standing next to him.
Arrow Keys - Move around.
Ctrl - Attack.
Home - Rotates your character.
Shift - Run.
Insert - Cast your memorized spell.
F5 - Opens guild manager menu. (Must be guild leader.)
/help - Shows you what commands you can use.
/info - Displays information on the player/character you've targeted.
/who - Shows who's online.
/fps - Shows your ping.
/refresh - Refreshes your map, if you get stuck.